Draw Circle
Draw Circle
Draw a circle on the current window. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
c | Circle | The circle being drawn |
void draw_circle(color clr, const circle &c)
public void Circle.Draw(Color clr);public static void SplashKit.DrawCircle(Color clr, Circle c);
def draw_circle_record(clr, c):
procedure DrawCircle(clr: Color; const c: Circle)
Draw Circle
Draw a circle with the provided drawing options, which may include options related to the drawing destination.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
c | Circle | The circle being drawn |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_circle(color clr, const circle &c, drawing_options opts)
public void Circle.Draw(Color clr, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawCircle(Color clr, Circle c, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_circle_record_with_options(clr, c, opts):
procedure DrawCircle(clr: Color; const c: Circle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Circle
Draw a circle onto the current window. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
void draw_circle(color clr, double x, double y, double radius)
public static void SplashKit.DrawCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);
def draw_circle(clr, x, y, radius):
procedure DrawCircle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double)
Draw Circle
Draw a circle using the supplied drawing options. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius. This will use Drawing Options
to determine the destination.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_circle(color clr, double x, double y, double radius, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_circle_with_options(clr, x, y, radius, opts):
procedure DrawCircle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Circle On Bitmap
Draw Circle On Bitmap
Draw a circle onto the destination bitmap. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
void draw_circle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius)
public void Bitmap.DrawCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);public static void SplashKit.DrawCircleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);
def draw_circle_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x, y, radius):
procedure DrawCircleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double)
Draw Circle On Bitmap
Draw a circle to the bitmap using the supplied drawing options. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_circle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawCircleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_circle_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, radius, opts):
procedure DrawCircleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Circle On Window
Draw Circle On Window
Draw a circle onto the destination window. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
void draw_circle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius)
public void Window.DrawCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);public static void SplashKit.DrawCircleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);
def draw_circle_on_window(destination, clr, x, y, radius):
procedure DrawCircleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double)
Draw Circle On Window
Draw a circle to the window using the supplied drawing options. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_circle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawCircleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_circle_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, radius, opts):
procedure DrawCircleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Circle
Fill Circle
Draw a circle on the current window. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
c | Circle | The circle being drawn |
void fill_circle(color clr, const circle &c)
public void Circle.Fill(Color clr);public static void SplashKit.FillCircle(Color clr, Circle c);
def fill_circle_record(clr, c):
procedure FillCircle(clr: Color; const c: Circle)
Fill Circle
Fill a circle with the provided drawing options, which may include options related to the drawing destination.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
c | Circle | The circle being drawn |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void fill_circle(color clr, const circle &c, drawing_options opts)
public void Circle.Fill(Color clr, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillCircle(Color clr, Circle c, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_circle_record_with_options(clr, c, opts):
procedure FillCircle(clr: Color; const c: Circle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Circle
Fill a circle onto the current window. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
void fill_circle(color clr, double x, double y, double radius)
public static void SplashKit.FillCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);
def fill_circle(clr, x, y, radius):
procedure FillCircle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double)
Fill Circle
Fill a circle using the supplied drawing options. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius. This will use Drawing Options
to determine the destination.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void fill_circle(color clr, double x, double y, double radius, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_circle_with_options(clr, x, y, radius, opts):
procedure FillCircle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Circle On Bitmap
Fill Circle On Bitmap
Fill a circle onto the destination bitmap. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
void fill_circle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius)
public void Bitmap.FillCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);public static void SplashKit.FillCircleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);
def fill_circle_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x, y, radius):
procedure FillCircleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double)
Fill Circle On Bitmap
Fill a circle to the bitmap using the supplied drawing options. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void fill_circle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.FillCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillCircleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_circle_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, radius, opts):
procedure FillCircleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Circle On Window
Fill Circle On Window
Fill a circle onto the destination window. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
void fill_circle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius)
public void Window.FillCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);public static void SplashKit.FillCircleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius);
def fill_circle_on_window(destination, clr, x, y, radius):
procedure FillCircleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double)
Fill Circle On Window
Fill a circle to the window using the supplied drawing options. The circle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided radius.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the circle |
x | Double | The x location of the circle |
y | Double | The y location of the circle |
radius | Double | The radius of the circle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void fill_circle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double radius, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.FillCircle(Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillCircleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double radius, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_circle_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, radius, opts):
procedure FillCircleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; radius: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Current Clip
Current Clip
Returns the rectangle of the current clip area for the current window
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle current_clip()
public static Rectangle SplashKit.CurrentClip();
def current_clip():
function CurrentClip(): Rectangle
Current Clip
Returns the rectangle of the current clip area for a bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the clipping rectangle from |
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle current_clip(bitmap bmp)
public static Rectangle SplashKit.CurrentClip(Bitmap bmp);
def current_clip_for_bitmap(bmp):
function CurrentClip(bmp: Bitmap): Rectangle
Current Clip
Returns the rectangle of the current clip area for a window
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to get the clipping rectangle from |
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle current_clip(window wnd)
public static Rectangle SplashKit.CurrentClip(Window wnd);
def current_clip_for_window(wnd):
function CurrentClip(wnd: Window): Rectangle
Pop Clip
Pop Clip
Remove the last clipping rectangle pushed to the window. This will then apply the previously pushed clipping rectangle.
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to change |
void pop_clip(window wnd)
public static void SplashKit.PopClip(Window wnd);
def pop_clip_for_window(wnd):
procedure PopClip(wnd: Window)
Pop Clip
Remove the last clipping rectangle pushed to the current window. This will then apply the previously pushed clipping rectangle.
void pop_clip()
public static void SplashKit.PopClip();
def pop_clip():
procedure PopClip()
Pop Clip
Remove the last clipping rectangle pushed to the bitmap. This will then apply the previously pushed clipping rectangle.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to change |
void pop_clip(bitmap bmp)
public static void SplashKit.PopClip(Bitmap bmp);
def pop_clip_for_bitmap(bmp):
procedure PopClip(bmp: Bitmap)
Push Clip
Push Clip
Add the clipping rectangle of a window and uses the intersect between the new rectangle and previous clip. When a clipping rectangle is provided, drawing operations will only affect the area specified in the current clipping rectangle.
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to add clipping to |
r | Rectangle | The new clipping rectangle |
void push_clip(window wnd, const rectangle &r)
public static void SplashKit.PushClip(Window wnd, Rectangle r);
def push_clip_for_window(wnd, r):
procedure PushClip(wnd: Window; const r: Rectangle)
Push Clip
Add the clipping rectangle of a bitmap and uses the intersect between the new rectangle and previous clip. When a clipping rectangle is provided, drawing operations will only affect the area specified in the current clipping rectangle.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to add clipping to |
r | Rectangle | The new clipping rectangle |
void push_clip(bitmap bmp, const rectangle &r)
public static void SplashKit.PushClip(Bitmap bmp, Rectangle r);
def push_clip_for_bitmap(bmp, r):
procedure PushClip(bmp: Bitmap; const r: Rectangle)
Push Clip
Push a clip rectangle to the current window. The resulting clipping rectangle will be the intersection of the existing clipping rectangle with the new rectangle provided in this call. This can be undone using Pop Clip
. When a clipping rectangle is provided, drawing operations will only affect the area specified in the current clipping rectangle.
Name | Type | Description |
r | Rectangle | The new clipping rectangle |
void push_clip(const rectangle &r)
public static void SplashKit.PushClip(Rectangle r);
def push_clip(r):
procedure PushClip(const r: Rectangle)
Reset Clip
Reset Clip
Reset the clipping rectangle on a bitmap. This will clear all of the clipping rectangles pushed to the bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to clear the clipping rectangle |
void reset_clip(bitmap bmp)
public static void SplashKit.ResetClip(Bitmap bmp);
def reset_clip_for_bitmap(bmp):
procedure ResetClip(bmp: Bitmap)
Reset Clip
Reset the clipping rectangle of the current window. This will clear all of the clipping rectangles pushed to the current window.
void reset_clip()
public static void SplashKit.ResetClip();
def reset_clip():
procedure ResetClip()
Reset Clip
Reset the clipping rectangle on a window. This will clear all of the clipping rectangles pushed to the window.
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to clear the clipping rectangle |
void reset_clip(window wnd)
public static void SplashKit.ResetClip(Window wnd);
def reset_clip_for_window(wnd):
procedure ResetClip(wnd: Window)
Set Clip
Set Clip
Set the clip rectangle of the current window. This will clear any existing clipping rectangles pushed to the current window, and use the supplied rectangle for clipping.
Name | Type | Description |
r | Rectangle | The new clipping rectangle |
void set_clip(const rectangle &r)
public static void SplashKit.SetClip(Rectangle r);
def set_clip(r):
procedure SetClip(const r: Rectangle)
Set Clip
Set the clip rectangle of the bitmap. This will clear any existing clipping rectangles pushed to the bitmap, and use the supplied rectangle for clipping.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to change |
r | Rectangle | The new clipping rectangle |
void set_clip(bitmap bmp, const rectangle &r)
public static void SplashKit.SetClip(Bitmap bmp, Rectangle r);
def set_clip_for_bitmap(bmp, r):
procedure SetClip(bmp: Bitmap; const r: Rectangle)
Set Clip
Set the clip rectangle of the window. This will clear any existing clipping rectangles pushed to the window, and use the supplied rectangle for clipping.
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to change |
r | Rectangle | The new clipping rectangle |
void set_clip(window wnd, const rectangle &r)
public static void SplashKit.SetClip(Window wnd, Rectangle r);
def set_clip_for_window(wnd, r):
procedure SetClip(wnd: Window; const r: Rectangle)
Option Defaults
Returns a Drawing Options
with default values. This will draw to the current window, with default scale of 1, no rotation or offset, not flipped, drawing whole images, with default camera mechanisms and line width.
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_defaults()
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionDefaults();
def option_defaults():
function OptionDefaults(): DrawingOptions
Option Draw To
Option Draw To
Use this option to draw to a Bitmap. Pass dest the Bitmap you want to draw on.
Name | Type | Description |
dest | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_draw_to(bitmap dest)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionDrawTo(Bitmap dest);
def option_draw_to_bitmap(dest):
function OptionDrawTo(dest: Bitmap): DrawingOptions
Option Draw To
Use this option to draw to a Bitmap. Pass dest the Bitmap you want to draw on. Pass opts the other options you want use.
Name | Type | Description |
dest | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to. |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_draw_to(bitmap dest, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionDrawTo(Bitmap dest, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_draw_to_bitmap_with_options(dest, opts):
function OptionDrawTo(dest: Bitmap; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Draw To
Use this option to draw to a specified Window. Pass dest the Window you want to draw on.
Name | Type | Description |
dest | Window | The window to draw onto. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_draw_to(window dest)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionDrawTo(Window dest);
def option_draw_to_window(dest):
function OptionDrawTo(dest: Window): DrawingOptions
Option Draw To
Use this option to draw to a Bitmap. Pass dest the Bitmap you want to draw on to. Pass opts the other options you want use.
Name | Type | Description |
dest | Window | The window to draw onto. |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_draw_to(window dest, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionDrawTo(Window dest, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_draw_to_window_with_options(dest, opts):
function OptionDrawTo(dest: Window; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Flip X
Option Flip X
Use this option to flip an image along its X axis.
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_flip_x()
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionFlipX();
def option_flip_x():
function OptionFlipX(): DrawingOptions
Option Flip X
Use this option to flip an image along its X axis.
Name | Type | Description |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_flip_x(drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionFlipX(DrawingOptions opts);
def option_flip_x_with_options(opts):
function OptionFlipX(opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Flip Xy
Option Flip Xy
Use this option to flip the drawing of an image along both X and Y axis.
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_flip_xy()
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionFlipXy();
def option_flip_xy():
function OptionFlipXy(): DrawingOptions
Option Flip Xy
Use this option to flip the drawing of an image along both X and Y axis.
Name | Type | Description |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_flip_xy(drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionFlipXy(DrawingOptions opts);
def option_flip_xy_with_options(opts):
function OptionFlipXy(opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Flip Y
Option Flip Y
Use this option to flip the drawing of an image along its Y axis.
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_flip_y()
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionFlipY();
def option_flip_y():
function OptionFlipY(): DrawingOptions
Option Flip Y
Use this option to flip the drawing of an image along its Y axis.
Name | Type | Description |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_flip_y(drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionFlipY(DrawingOptions opts);
def option_flip_y_with_options(opts):
function OptionFlipY(opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Line Width
Option Line Width
Use this option to change the width of line drawings.
Name | Type | Description |
width | Integer | The new line width for line drawing. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_line_width(int width)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionLineWidth(int width);
def option_line_width(width):
function OptionLineWidth(width: Integer): DrawingOptions
Option Line Width
Use this option to change the width of line drawings.
Name | Type | Description |
width | Integer | The new line width for line drawing. |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_line_width(int width, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionLineWidth(int width, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_line_width_with_options(width, opts):
function OptionLineWidth(width: Integer; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Part Bmp
Option Part Bmp
Use this option to draw only a part of a bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
x | Double | The x coordinate of the part within the bitmap. |
y | Double | The y coordinate of the part within the bitmap. |
w | Double | The width of the part within the bitmap. |
h | Double | The height of the part within the bitmap. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_part_bmp(double x, double y, double w, double h)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionPartBmp(double x, double y, double w, double h);
def option_part_bmp(x, y, w, h):
function OptionPartBmp(x: Double; y: Double; w: Double; h: Double): DrawingOptions
Option Part Bmp
Use this option to draw only a part of a bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
x | Double | The x coordinate of the part within the bitmap. |
y | Double | The y coordinate of the part within the bitmap. |
w | Double | The width of the part within the bitmap. |
h | Double | The height of the part within the bitmap. |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_part_bmp(double x, double y, double w, double h, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionPartBmp(double x, double y, double w, double h, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_part_bmp_with_options(x, y, w, h, opts):
function OptionPartBmp(x: Double; y: Double; w: Double; h: Double; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Part Bmp
Use this option to draw only part of a bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
part | Rectangle | The rectangle of the part of the bitmap to draw. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_part_bmp(rectangle part)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionPartBmp(Rectangle part);
def option_part_bmp_from_rectangle(part):
function OptionPartBmp(part: Rectangle): DrawingOptions
Option Part Bmp
Use this option to draw only part of a bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
part | Rectangle | The rectangle of the part of the bitmap to draw. |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_part_bmp(rectangle part, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionPartBmp(Rectangle part, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_part_bmp_from_rectangle_with_options(part, opts):
function OptionPartBmp(part: Rectangle; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Rotate Bmp
Option Rotate Bmp
Use this option to rotate a bitmap around its centre point.
Name | Type | Description |
angle | Double | The angle to rotate bitmaps. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_rotate_bmp(double angle)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionRotateBmp(double angle);
def option_rotate_bmp(angle):
function OptionRotateBmp(angle: Double): DrawingOptions
Option Rotate Bmp
Use this option to rotate the drawing of a bitmap. This allows you to set the anchor point and rotate around that by a number of degrees. Pass opts the other options you want use.
Name | Type | Description |
angle | Double | The angle to rotate bitmaps. |
anchor_x | Double | The x location of the anchor within the bitmap |
anchor_y | Double | The y location of the anchor within the bitmap |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_rotate_bmp(double angle, double anchor_x, double anchor_y)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionRotateBmp(double angle, double anchorX, double anchorY);
def option_rotate_bmp_with_anchor(angle, anchor_x, anchor_y):
function OptionRotateBmp(angle: Double; anchorX: Double; anchorY: Double): DrawingOptions
Option Rotate Bmp
Use this option to rotate the drawing of a bitmap. This allows you to set the anchor point and rotate around that by a number of degrees. Pass opts the other options you want use.
Name | Type | Description |
angle | Double | The angle to rotate bitmaps. |
anchor_x | Double | The x location of the anchor within the bitmap |
anchor_y | Double | The y location of the anchor within the bitmap |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_rotate_bmp(double angle, double anchor_x, double anchor_y, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionRotateBmp(double angle, double anchorX, double anchorY, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_rotate_bmp_with_anchor_and_options(angle, anchor_x, anchor_y, opts):
function OptionRotateBmp(angle: Double; anchorX: Double; anchorY: Double; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Rotate Bmp
Use this option to rotate a bitmap around its centre point.
Name | Type | Description |
angle | Double | The angle to rotate bitmaps. |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_rotate_bmp(double angle, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionRotateBmp(double angle, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_rotate_bmp_with_options(angle, opts):
function OptionRotateBmp(angle: Double; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option Scale Bmp
Option Scale Bmp
Use this option to scale the drawing of bitmaps. You can scale x and y separately.
Name | Type | Description |
scale_x | Double | The amount to scale bitmaps aalong the x axis |
scale_y | Double | The amount to scale bitmaps aalong the y axis |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_scale_bmp(double scale_x, double scale_y)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionScaleBmp(double scaleX, double scaleY);
def option_scale_bmp(scale_x, scale_y):
function OptionScaleBmp(scaleX: Double; scaleY: Double): DrawingOptions
Option Scale Bmp
Use this option to scale the drawing of bitmaps. You can scale x and y separately. Pass opts the other options you want use.
Name | Type | Description |
scale_x | Double | The amount to scale bitmaps aalong the x axis |
scale_y | Double | The amount to scale bitmaps aalong the y axis |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_scale_bmp(double scale_x, double scale_y, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionScaleBmp(double scaleX, double scaleY, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_scale_bmp_with_options(scale_x, scale_y, opts):
function OptionScaleBmp(scaleX: Double; scaleY: Double; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option To Screen
Option To Screen
Use this option to draw to the screen, ignoring the positon of the camera.
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_to_screen()
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionToScreen();
def option_to_screen():
function OptionToScreen(): DrawingOptions
Option To Screen
Use this option to draw to the screen, ignoring the positon of the camera.
Name | Type | Description |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_to_screen(drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionToScreen(DrawingOptions opts);
def option_to_screen_with_options(opts):
function OptionToScreen(opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option To World
Option To World
Use this option to draw in World coordinates — these are affected by the movement of the camera.
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_to_world()
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionToWorld();
def option_to_world():
function OptionToWorld(): DrawingOptions
Option To World
Use this option to draw in World coordinates — these are affected by the movement of the camera.
Name | Type | Description |
opts | Drawing Options | Values for the other options. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_to_world(drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionToWorld(DrawingOptions opts);
def option_to_world_with_options(opts):
function OptionToWorld(opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option With Animation
Option With Animation
Use details from the animation to select an appropriate cell from the bitmaps being drawn.
Name | Type | Description |
anim | Animation | The animation with the cell details to be used. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_with_animation(animation anim)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionWithAnimation(Animation anim);
def option_with_animation(anim):
function OptionWithAnimation(anim: Animation): DrawingOptions
Option With Animation
Use details from the animation to select an appropriate cell from the bitmaps being drawn. This extends the passed in drawing options with the animation details.
Name | Type | Description |
anim | Animation | The animation with the cell details to be used. |
opts | Drawing Options | The existing options to extend. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_with_animation(animation anim, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionWithAnimation(Animation anim, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_with_animation_with_options(anim, opts):
function OptionWithAnimation(anim: Animation; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Option With Bitmap Cell
Option With Bitmap Cell
When drawing the bitmap this will only draw the cell. To use this the bitmap needs to have been provided with its cell details (see Bitmap Set Cell Details
). This option overrides the animation or part drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
cell | Integer | The cell to draw from the bitmap (-1 for entire bitmap) |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_with_bitmap_cell(int cell)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionWithBitmapCell(int cell);
def option_with_bitmap_cell(cell):
function OptionWithBitmapCell(cell: Integer): DrawingOptions
Option With Bitmap Cell
When drawing the bitmap this will only draw the cell. To use this the bitmap needs to have been provided with its cell details (see Bitmap Set Cell Details
). This option overrides the animation or part drawing options. This extends the passed in drawing options with the cell details.
Name | Type | Description |
cell | Integer | The cell to draw from the bitmap (-1 for entire bitmap) |
opts | Drawing Options | The existing options to extend. |
Return Type: Drawing Options
drawing_options option_with_bitmap_cell(int cell, drawing_options opts)
public static DrawingOptions SplashKit.OptionWithBitmapCell(int cell, DrawingOptions opts);
def option_with_bitmap_cell_with_options(cell, opts):
function OptionWithBitmapCell(cell: Integer; opts: DrawingOptions): DrawingOptions
Draw Ellipse
Draw Ellipse
Draws an ellipse using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
void draw_ellipse(color clr, const rectangle rect)
public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def draw_ellipse_within_rectangle(clr, rect):
procedure DrawEllipse(clr: Color; rect: Rectangle)
Draw Ellipse
Draws an ellipse using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_ellipse(color clr, const rectangle rect, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_ellipse_within_rectangle_with_options(clr, rect, opts):
procedure DrawEllipse(clr: Color; rect: Rectangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Ellipse
Draws an ellipse using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
void draw_ellipse(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def draw_ellipse(clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure DrawEllipse(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Draw Ellipse
Draws an ellipse using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_ellipse(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_ellipse_with_options(clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure DrawEllipse(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Ellipse On Bitmap
Draw Ellipse On Bitmap
Draws an ellipse on the given bitmap, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
void draw_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle rect)
public void Bitmap.DrawEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def draw_ellipse_on_bitmap_within_rectangle(destination, clr, rect):
procedure DrawEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle)
Draw Ellipse On Bitmap
Draws an ellipse on the given bitmap, using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle rect, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_ellipse_on_bitmap_within_rectangle_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure DrawEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Ellipse On Bitmap
Draws an ellipse on the given bitmap, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or bitmap to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or bitmap to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
void draw_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Bitmap.DrawEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def draw_ellipse_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure DrawEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Draw Ellipse On Bitmap
Draws an ellipse to the bitmap, using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or bitmap to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or bitmap to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_ellipse_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure DrawEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Ellipse On Window
Draw Ellipse On Window
Draws an ellipse on the given window, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
void draw_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle rect)
public void Window.DrawEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def draw_ellipse_on_window_within_rectangle(destination, clr, rect):
procedure DrawEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle)
Draw Ellipse On Window
Draws an ellipse on the given window, using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle rect, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_ellipse_on_window_within_rectangle_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure DrawEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Ellipse On Window
Draws an ellipse on the given window, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
void draw_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Window.DrawEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def draw_ellipse_on_window(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure DrawEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Draw Ellipse On Window
Draws an ellipse to the window, using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_ellipse_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure DrawEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Ellipse
Fill Ellipse
Fill an ellipse using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
void fill_ellipse(color clr, const rectangle rect)
public static void SplashKit.FillEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def fill_ellipse_within_rectangle(clr, rect):
procedure FillEllipse(clr: Color; rect: Rectangle)
Fill Ellipse
Fills an ellipse using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_ellipse(color clr, const rectangle rect, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_ellipse_within_rectangle_with_options(clr, rect, opts):
procedure FillEllipse(clr: Color; rect: Rectangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Ellipse
Fills an ellipse using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
void fill_ellipse(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public static void SplashKit.FillEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def fill_ellipse(clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure FillEllipse(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Fill Ellipse
Fills an ellipse using the provided location, size, and drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_ellipse(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_ellipse_with_options(clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure FillEllipse(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Ellipse On Bitmap
Fill Ellipse On Bitmap
Fill an ellipse on the given bitmap, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
void fill_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle rect)
public void Bitmap.FillEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def fill_ellipse_on_bitmap_within_rectangle(destination, clr, rect):
procedure FillEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle)
Fill Ellipse On Bitmap
Fills an ellipse on the given bitmap, using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle rect, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.FillEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_ellipse_on_bitmap_within_rectangle_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure FillEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Ellipse On Bitmap
Fills an ellipse on the given bitmap, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or bitmap to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or bitmap to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
void fill_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Bitmap.FillEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def fill_ellipse_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure FillEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Fill Ellipse On Bitmap
Fills an ellipse on the given bitmap, using the provided location, size, and drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or bitmap to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or bitmap to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_ellipse_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.FillEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_ellipse_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure FillEllipseOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Ellipse On Window
Fill Ellipse On Window
Fill an ellipse on the given window, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
void fill_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle rect)
public void Window.FillEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def fill_ellipse_on_window_within_rectangle(destination, clr, rect):
procedure FillEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle)
Fill Ellipse On Window
Fills an ellipse on the given window, using the provided location, size, and drawing options. At this stage ellipse drawing is not affected by line width from the drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
rect | Rectangle | Indicates the location and size of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle rect, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.FillEllipse(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_ellipse_on_window_within_rectangle_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure FillEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; rect: Rectangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Ellipse On Window
Fills an ellipse on the given window, using the provided location, and size.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
void fill_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Window.FillEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def fill_ellipse_on_window(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure FillEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Fill Ellipse On Window
Fills an ellipse on the given window, using the provided location, size, and drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the ellipse on |
clr | Color | The color of the ellipse |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap or window to the left edge of the ellipse |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap or window to the top edge of the ellipse |
width | Double | The width of the ellipse |
height | Double | The height of the ellipse |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_ellipse_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.FillEllipse(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillEllipseOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_ellipse_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure FillEllipseOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Clear Screen
Clear Screen
Clears the current screen to color white.
void clear_screen()
public static void SplashKit.ClearScreen();
def clear_screen_to_white():
procedure ClearScreen()
Clear Screen
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color to clear the screen’s background color to. |
void clear_screen(color clr)
public static void SplashKit.ClearScreen(Color clr);
def clear_screen(clr):
procedure ClearScreen(clr: Color)
Display Details
Returns the details about one of the displays attached to the computer.
Name | Type | Description |
index | unsigned int | The display number (from 0 to Number Of Displays - 1) |
Return Type: Display
display display_details(unsigned int index)
public static Display SplashKit.DisplayDetails(uint index);
def display_details(index):
function DisplayDetails(index: Cardinal): Display
Display Height
Return the height of the display in pixels, read from the system details.
Name | Type | Description |
disp | Display | The display details |
Return Type: Integer
int display_height(display disp)
public int Display.Height { get }public static int SplashKit.DisplayHeight(Display disp);
def display_height(disp):
function DisplayHeight(disp: Display): Integer
Display Name
Return the name of the display, read from the system details.
Name | Type | Description |
disp | Display | The display details |
Return Type: String
string display_name(display disp)
public string Display.Name { get }public static string SplashKit.DisplayName(Display disp);
def display_name(disp):
function DisplayName(disp: Display): String
Display Width
Return the width of the display in pixels, read from the system details.
Name | Type | Description |
disp | Display | The display details |
Return Type: Integer
int display_width(display disp)
public int Display.Width { get }public static int SplashKit.DisplayWidth(Display disp);
def display_width(disp):
function DisplayWidth(disp: Display): Integer
Display X
Return a relative x location for the display in pixels, read from the system details. This can be used to work out the arrangement of displays.
Name | Type | Description |
disp | Display | The display details |
Return Type: Integer
int display_x(display disp)
public int Display.X { get }public static int SplashKit.DisplayX(Display disp);
def display_x(disp):
function DisplayX(disp: Display): Integer
Display Y
Return a relative y location for the display in pixels, read from the system details. This can be used to work out the arrangement of displays.
Name | Type | Description |
disp | Display | The display details |
Return Type: Integer
int display_y(display disp)
public int Display.Y { get }public static int SplashKit.DisplayY(Display disp);
def display_y(disp):
function DisplayY(disp: Display): Integer
Number Of Displays
Returns the number of physical displays attached to the computer.
Return Type: Integer
int number_of_displays()
public static int SplashKit.NumberOfDisplays();
def number_of_displays():
function NumberOfDisplays(): Integer
Refresh Screen
Refresh Screen
void refresh_screen()
public static void SplashKit.RefreshScreen();
def refresh_screen():
procedure RefreshScreen()
Refresh Screen
Refreshes all open windows with a target FPS (frames per second). This will delay a period of time that will approximately meet the targeted frames per second.
Name | Type | Description |
target_fps | unsigned int | The targeted frames per second to refresh the screen at. |
void refresh_screen(unsigned int target_fps)
public static void SplashKit.RefreshScreen(uint targetFps);
def refresh_screen_with_target_fps(target_fps):
procedure RefreshScreen(targetFps: Cardinal)
Save Bitmap
Save the bitmap to the user’s desktop.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to save |
basename | String | The base of the filename. If there is a file of this name already, then the name will be changed to generate a unique filename. |
void save_bitmap(bitmap bmp, const string &basename)
public static void SplashKit.SaveBitmap(Bitmap bmp, string basename);
def save_bitmap(bmp, basename):
procedure SaveBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; const basename: String)
Screen Height
Returns the height of the current window.
Return Type: Integer
int screen_height()
public static int SplashKit.ScreenHeight();
def screen_height():
function ScreenHeight(): Integer
Screen Width
Returns the width of the current window.
Return Type: Integer
int screen_width()
public static int SplashKit.ScreenWidth();
def screen_width():
function ScreenWidth(): Integer
Take Screenshot
Take Screenshot
Saves a screenshot of the current window to a bitmap file. The file will be saved onto the user’s desktop.
Name | Type | Description |
basename | String | The base of the filename. If there is a file of this name already, then the name will be changed to generate a unique filename. |
void take_screenshot(const string &basename)
public static void SplashKit.TakeScreenshot(string basename);
def take_screenshot(basename):
procedure TakeScreenshot(const basename: String)
Take Screenshot
Saves a screenshot of the current window to a bitmap file. The file will be saved onto the user’s desktop.
Name | Type | Description |
wind | Window | The window to capture in the screenshot |
basename | String | The base of the filename. If there is a file of this name already, then the name will be changed to generate a unique filename. |
void take_screenshot(window wind, const string &basename)
public static void SplashKit.TakeScreenshot(Window wind, string basename);
def take_screenshot_of_window(wind, basename):
procedure TakeScreenshot(wind: Window; const basename: String)
Bitmap Bounding Circle
Returns a circle that will encompass the entire bitamp.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to encompass. |
pt | Point 2d | The point where the bitmap is located. |
Return Type: Circle
circle bitmap_bounding_circle(bitmap bmp, const point_2d &pt)
public Circle Bitmap.BoundingCircle(Point2D pt);public static Circle SplashKit.BitmapBoundingCircle(Bitmap bmp, Point2D pt);
def bitmap_bounding_circle(bmp, pt):
function BitmapBoundingCircle(bmp: Bitmap; const pt: Point2D): Circle
Bitmap Bounding Rectangle
Bitmap Bounding Rectangle
Returns a rectangle that is the same size as a bitmap (the whole bitmap).
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap |
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle bitmap_bounding_rectangle(bitmap bmp)
public Rectangle Bitmap.BoundingRectangle();public static Rectangle SplashKit.BitmapBoundingRectangle(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_bounding_rectangle(bmp):
function BitmapBoundingRectangle(bmp: Bitmap): Rectangle
Bitmap Bounding Rectangle
Returns a rectangle that is the same size as the bitmap and is located at the indicated position.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap |
x | Double | The x location of the rectangle |
y | Double | The y location of the rectangle |
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle bitmap_bounding_rectangle(bitmap bmp, double x, double y)
public Rectangle Bitmap.BoundingRectangle(double x, double y);public static Rectangle SplashKit.BitmapBoundingRectangle(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);
def bitmap_bounding_rectangle_at_location(bmp, x, y):
function BitmapBoundingRectangle(bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double): Rectangle
Bitmap Cell Center
This returns a point that represents the center of a cell from this bitmap in local space.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the center of. |
Return Type: Point 2d
point_2d bitmap_cell_center(bitmap bmp)
public Point2D Bitmap.CellCenter { get }public static Point2D SplashKit.BitmapCellCenter(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_cell_center(bmp):
function BitmapCellCenter(bmp: Bitmap): Point2D
Bitmap Cell Circle
Bitmap Cell Circle
Returns a circle that will encompass the bitmap cell if it were drawn at the indicated point.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from. |
x | Double | The the x location of the bitmap. |
y | Double | The the y location of the bitmap. |
Return Type: Circle
circle bitmap_cell_circle(bitmap bmp, double x, double y)
public Circle Bitmap.CellCircle(double x, double y);public static Circle SplashKit.BitmapCellCircle(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);
def bitmap_cell_circle(bmp, x, y):
function BitmapCellCircle(bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double): Circle
Bitmap Cell Circle
Returns a circle that will encompass the bitmap cell if it were drawn at the indicated point.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from. |
pt | Point 2d | The point indicating the location of the bitmap. |
Return Type: Circle
circle bitmap_cell_circle(bitmap bmp, const point_2d pt)
public Circle Bitmap.CellCircle(Point2D pt);public static Circle SplashKit.BitmapCellCircle(Bitmap bmp, Point2D pt);
def bitmap_cell_circle_at_point(bmp, pt):
function BitmapCellCircle(bmp: Bitmap; pt: Point2D): Circle
Bitmap Cell Circle
Returns a circle that will encompass the bitmap cell if it were drawn at the indicated point, with the provided scale.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from. |
pt | Point 2d | The point indicating the location of the bitmap. |
scale | Double | The scaling factor for the bitmap drawing. |
Return Type: Circle
circle bitmap_cell_circle(bitmap bmp, const point_2d pt, double scale)
public Circle Bitmap.CellCircle(Point2D pt, double scale);public static Circle SplashKit.BitmapCellCircle(Bitmap bmp, Point2D pt, double scale);
def bitmap_cell_circle_at_point_with_scale(bmp, pt, scale):
function BitmapCellCircle(bmp: Bitmap; pt: Point2D; scale: Double): Circle
Bitmap Cell Columns
Returns the number of cell columns in the bitmap. This is setup using Bitmap Set Cell Details
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to check |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_cell_columns(bitmap bmp)
public int Bitmap.CellColumns { get }public static int SplashKit.BitmapCellColumns(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_cell_columns(bmp):
function BitmapCellColumns(bmp: Bitmap): Integer
Bitmap Cell Count
Returns the number of cells within the bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to check. |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_cell_count(bitmap bmp)
public int Bitmap.CellCount { get }public static int SplashKit.BitmapCellCount(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_cell_count(bmp):
function BitmapCellCount(bmp: Bitmap): Integer
Bitmap Cell Height
Returns the height of each cell in this bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from. |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_cell_height(bitmap bmp)
public int Bitmap.CellHeight { get }public static int SplashKit.BitmapCellHeight(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_cell_height(bmp):
function BitmapCellHeight(bmp: Bitmap): Integer
Bitmap Cell Offset
Returns a vector that represents the movement needed to get to a given cell within a bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
src | Bitmap | The bitmap with the cell details. |
cell | Integer | The index of the cell |
Return Type: Vector 2d
vector_2d bitmap_cell_offset(bitmap src, int cell)
public Vector2D Bitmap.CellOffset(int cell);public static Vector2D SplashKit.BitmapCellOffset(Bitmap src, int cell);
def bitmap_cell_offset(src, cell):
function BitmapCellOffset(src: Bitmap; cell: Integer): Vector2D
Bitmap Cell Rectangle
Bitmap Cell Rectangle
Returns a rectangle that will encompass a cell of the bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
src | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from |
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle bitmap_cell_rectangle(bitmap src)
public Rectangle Bitmap.CellRectangle();public static Rectangle SplashKit.BitmapCellRectangle(Bitmap src);
def bitmap_cell_rectangle(src):
function BitmapCellRectangle(src: Bitmap): Rectangle
Bitmap Cell Rectangle
Returns a rectangle that will encompass the bitmap cell if it were drawn at the indicated point.
Name | Type | Description |
src | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from |
pt | Point 2d | The point details for the rectangle. |
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle bitmap_cell_rectangle(bitmap src, const point_2d &pt)
public Rectangle Bitmap.CellRectangle(Point2D pt);public static Rectangle SplashKit.BitmapCellRectangle(Bitmap src, Point2D pt);
def bitmap_cell_rectangle_at_point(src, pt):
function BitmapCellRectangle(src: Bitmap; const pt: Point2D): Rectangle
Bitmap Cell Rows
Returns the number of rows of cells in the bitmap. These details are set in Bitmap Set Cell Details
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from. |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_cell_rows(bitmap bmp)
public int Bitmap.CellRows { get }public static int SplashKit.BitmapCellRows(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_cell_rows(bmp):
function BitmapCellRows(bmp: Bitmap): Integer
Bitmap Cell Width
Returns the width of each cell in this bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from. |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_cell_width(bitmap bmp)
public int Bitmap.CellWidth { get }public static int SplashKit.BitmapCellWidth(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_cell_width(bmp):
function BitmapCellWidth(bmp: Bitmap): Integer
Bitmap Center
This returns a point that represents the center of the bitmap in local space.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the center of. |
Return Type: Point 2d
point_2d bitmap_center(bitmap bmp)
public Point2D Bitmap.Center { get }public static Point2D SplashKit.BitmapCenter(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_center(bmp):
function BitmapCenter(bmp: Bitmap): Point2D
Bitmap Filename
Returns the filename from which the bitmap was loaded. This will be an empty string for created bitmaps.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the filename from. |
Return Type: String
string bitmap_filename(bitmap bmp)
public string Bitmap.Filename { get }public static string SplashKit.BitmapFilename(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_filename(bmp):
function BitmapFilename(bmp: Bitmap): String
Bitmap Height
Bitmap Height
Returns the total height of the bitmap. If the bitmap contains cells, you ca get the height of a cell using Bitmap Cell Height
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the details from. |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_height(bitmap bmp)
public int Bitmap.Height { get }public static int SplashKit.BitmapHeight(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_height(bmp):
function BitmapHeight(bmp: Bitmap): Integer
Bitmap Height
Returns the total height of the bitmap. If the bitmap contains cells, you ca get the height of a cell using Bitmap Cell Height
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the bitmap to get the details from. |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_height(string name)
public static int SplashKit.BitmapHeight(string name);
def bitmap_height_of_bitmap_named(name):
function BitmapHeight(name: String): Integer
Bitmap Name
Returns the name of the bitmap was loaded. This is the name you can use to access this bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the name from. |
Return Type: String
string bitmap_name(bitmap bmp)
public string Bitmap.Name { get }public static string SplashKit.BitmapName(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_name(bmp):
function BitmapName(bmp: Bitmap): String
Bitmap Named
Returns the Bitmap
that has been loaded with the specified name, see Load Bitmap
. This will attempt to load the bitmap if it has not been loaded.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the bitmap to check. |
Return Type: Bitmap
bitmap bitmap_named(string name)
public static Bitmap SplashKit.BitmapNamed(string name);
def bitmap_named(name):
function BitmapNamed(name: String): Bitmap
Bitmap Rectangle Of Cell
Returns a rectangle that can be used to access the part of a bitmap related to an individual cell.
Name | Type | Description |
src | Bitmap | The bitmap |
cell | Integer | The cell |
Return Type: Rectangle
rectangle bitmap_rectangle_of_cell(bitmap src, int cell)
public Rectangle Bitmap.RectangleOfCell(int cell);public static Rectangle SplashKit.BitmapRectangleOfCell(Bitmap src, int cell);
def bitmap_rectangle_of_cell(src, cell):
function BitmapRectangleOfCell(src: Bitmap; cell: Integer): Rectangle
Bitmap Set Cell Details
Initialise the bitmap cell details. This allows parts of the bitmap to be drawn as individual cells.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap |
width | Integer | The width of each cell |
height | Integer | The height of each cell |
columns | Integer | The number of cell columns within the bitmap |
rows | Integer | The number of cell rows within the bitmap |
count | Integer | The total number of cells, may be fewer than columns * rows |
void bitmap_set_cell_details(bitmap bmp, int width, int height, int columns, int rows, int count)
public void Bitmap.SetCellDetails(int width, int height, int columns, int rows, int count);public static void SplashKit.BitmapSetCellDetails(Bitmap bmp, int width, int height, int columns, int rows, int count);
def bitmap_set_cell_details(bmp, width, height, columns, rows, count):
procedure BitmapSetCellDetails(bmp: Bitmap; width: Integer; height: Integer; columns: Integer; rows: Integer; count: Integer)
Bitmap Valid
Lets you test if bitmap value is valid. This will return true when it is a valid bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap to test |
Return Type: Boolean
bool bitmap_valid(bitmap bmp)
public static bool SplashKit.BitmapValid(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_valid(bmp):
function BitmapValid(bmp: Bitmap): Boolean
Bitmap Width
Bitmap Width
Returns the width of the bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_width(bitmap bmp)
public int Bitmap.Width { get }public static int SplashKit.BitmapWidth(Bitmap bmp);
def bitmap_width(bmp):
function BitmapWidth(bmp: Bitmap): Integer
Bitmap Width
Returns the width of the bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the bitmap |
Return Type: Integer
int bitmap_width(string name)
public static int SplashKit.BitmapWidth(string name);
def bitmap_width_of_bitmap_named(name):
function BitmapWidth(name: String): Integer
Clear Bitmap
Clear Bitmap
Clear the bitmap to the indicated color. This will ensure the entire surface of the bitmap is set to that color.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap |
clr | Color | The new color for the surface of the bitmap |
void clear_bitmap(bitmap bmp, color clr)
public void Bitmap.Clear(Color clr);public static void SplashKit.ClearBitmap(Bitmap bmp, Color clr);
def clear_bitmap(bmp, clr):
procedure ClearBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; clr: Color)
Clear Bitmap
Clear the bitmap to the indicated color. This will ensure the entire surface of the bitmap is set to that color.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the bitmap |
clr | Color | The new color for the surface of the bitmap |
void clear_bitmap(string name, color clr)
public static void SplashKit.ClearBitmap(string name, Color clr);
def clear_bitmap_named(name, clr):
procedure ClearBitmap(name: String; clr: Color)
Create Bitmap
Creates a new bitmap that you can draw to. Initially the bitmap will be transparent.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the bitmap resource to be created. If this already exists SplashKit will alter the name to make it unique. |
width | Integer | The width of the created bitmap |
height | Integer | The height of the created bitmap |
Return Type: Bitmap
bitmap create_bitmap(string name, int width, int height)
public static Bitmap SplashKit.CreateBitmap(string name, int width, int height);public Bitmap(string name, int width, int height);
def create_bitmap(name, width, height):
function CreateBitmap(name: String; width: Integer; height: Integer): Bitmap
Draw Bitmap
Draw Bitmap
Draws the bitmap supplied into bmp
to the current window. at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
void draw_bitmap(bitmap bmp, double x, double y)
public void Bitmap.Draw(double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);
def draw_bitmap(bmp, x, y):
procedure DrawBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Bitmap
Draws the bitmap supplied into bmp
to the current window. with extra drawing options supplied in opts
at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
opts | Drawing Options | the Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the Bitmap |
void draw_bitmap(bitmap bmp, double x, double y, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.Draw(double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_bitmap_with_options(bmp, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Bitmap
Searches and draws a bitmap with name name
to the current window. with extra drawing options supplied in opts
at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | the name of the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
void draw_bitmap(string name, double x, double y)
public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmap(string name, double x, double y);
def draw_bitmap_named(name, x, y):
procedure DrawBitmap(name: String; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Bitmap
Searches and draws a bitmap with name name
to the current window. with extra drawing options supplied in opts
at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | the name of the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
opts | Drawing Options | the Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the Bitmap |
void draw_bitmap(string name, double x, double y, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmap(string name, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_bitmap_named_with_options(name, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawBitmap(name: String; x: Double; y: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Bitmap On Bitmap
Draw Bitmap On Bitmap
Draws the bitmap supplied into bmp
to the given bitmap. at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the bitmap to |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
void draw_bitmap_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, bitmap bmp, double x, double y)
public void Bitmap.DrawBitmap(Bitmap destination, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmapOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);
def draw_bitmap_on_bitmap_on_bitmap(destination, bmp, x, y):
procedure DrawBitmapOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Bitmap On Bitmap
Draws the bitmap supplied into bmp
to the given bitmap. with extra drawing options supplied in opts
at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the bitmap to |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
opts | Drawing Options | the Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the Bitmap |
void draw_bitmap_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, bitmap bmp, double x, double y, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawBitmap(Bitmap destination, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmapOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Bitmap bmp, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_bitmap_on_bitmap_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, bmp, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawBitmapOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Bitmap On Window
Draw Bitmap On Window
Draws the bitmap supplied into bmp
to the given window. at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the bitmap to |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
void draw_bitmap_on_window(window destination, bitmap bmp, double x, double y)
public void Window.DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmapOnWindow(Window destination, Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);
def draw_bitmap_on_window(destination, bmp, x, y):
procedure DrawBitmapOnWindow(destination: Window; bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Bitmap On Window
Draws the bitmap supplied into bmp
to the given window. with extra drawing options supplied in opts
at x
and y
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the bitmap to |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap which will be drawn to the screen |
x | Double | the x location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
y | Double | the y location which represents where the bitmap will be drawn |
opts | Drawing Options | the Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the Bitmap |
void draw_bitmap_on_window(window destination, bitmap bmp, double x, double y, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawBitmapOnWindow(Window destination, Bitmap bmp, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_bitmap_on_window_with_options(destination, bmp, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawBitmapOnWindow(destination: Window; bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Free All Bitmaps
Free all of the loaded bitmap resources.
void free_all_bitmaps()
public static void SplashKit.FreeAllBitmaps();
def free_all_bitmaps():
procedure FreeAllBitmaps()
Free Bitmap
Frees the bitmap resource.
Name | Type | Description |
to_delete | Bitmap | The bitmap to be freed. |
void free_bitmap(bitmap to_delete)
public void Bitmap.Free();public static void SplashKit.FreeBitmap(Bitmap toDelete);
def free_bitmap(to_delete):
procedure FreeBitmap(toDelete: Bitmap)
Has Bitmap
Determines if SplashKit has a bitmap loaded for the supplied name. This checks against all bitmaps loaded.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name to check |
Return Type: Boolean
bool has_bitmap(string name)
public static bool SplashKit.HasBitmap(string name);
def has_bitmap(name):
function HasBitmap(name: String): Boolean
Load Bitmap
Loads and returns a bitmap. The supplied filename
is used to locate the Bitmap to load. The supplied name
indicates the name to use to refer to this Bitmap in SplashKit. The Bitmap
can then be retrieved by passing this name
to the Bitmap Named
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the bitmap resource in SplashKit |
filename | String | The filename to load |
Return Type: Bitmap
bitmap load_bitmap(string name, string filename)
public static Bitmap SplashKit.LoadBitmap(string name, string filename);public Bitmap(string name, string filename);
def load_bitmap(name, filename):
function LoadBitmap(name: String; filename: String): Bitmap
Pixel Drawn At Point
Pixel Drawn At Point
Check if the bitmap has a pixel drawn at the indicated point.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to check. |
pt | Point 2d | The point within the bitmap to check. |
Return Type: Boolean
bool pixel_drawn_at_point(bitmap bmp, const point_2d &pt)
public bool Bitmap.PixelDrawnAtPoint(Point2D pt);public static bool SplashKit.PixelDrawnAtPoint(Bitmap bmp, Point2D pt);
def pixel_drawn_at_point_pt(bmp, pt):
function PixelDrawnAtPoint(bmp: Bitmap; const pt: Point2D): Boolean
Pixel Drawn At Point
Check if the bitmap has a pixel drawn at the indicated point.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to check. |
x | Double | The x coordinate within the bitmap to check |
y | Double | The y coordinate within the bitmap to check |
Return Type: Boolean
bool pixel_drawn_at_point(bitmap bmp, double x, double y)
public bool Bitmap.PixelDrawnAtPoint(double x, double y);public static bool SplashKit.PixelDrawnAtPoint(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);
def pixel_drawn_at_point(bmp, x, y):
function PixelDrawnAtPoint(bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double): Boolean
Pixel Drawn At Point
Check if the bitmap has a pixel drawn at the indicated point in the cell.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to check. |
cell | Integer | The bitmap cell to check. |
pt | Point 2d | The point within the bitmap to check. |
Return Type: Boolean
bool pixel_drawn_at_point(bitmap bmp, int cell, const point_2d &pt)
public bool Bitmap.PixelDrawnAtPointInCell(int cell, Point2D pt);public static bool SplashKit.PixelDrawnAtPoint(Bitmap bmp, int cell, Point2D pt);
def pixel_drawn_at_point_in_cell_pt(bmp, cell, pt):
function PixelDrawnAtPoint(bmp: Bitmap; cell: Integer; const pt: Point2D): Boolean
Pixel Drawn At Point
Check if the bitmap has a pixel drawn at the indicated point in the cell.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to check. |
cell | Integer | The bitmap cell to check. |
x | Double | The x coordinate within the bitmap to check |
y | Double | The y coordinate within the bitmap to check |
Return Type: Boolean
bool pixel_drawn_at_point(bitmap bmp, int cell, double x, double y)
public bool Bitmap.PixelDrawnAtPoint(int cell, double x, double y);public static bool SplashKit.PixelDrawnAtPoint(Bitmap bmp, int cell, double x, double y);
def pixel_drawn_at_point_in_cell(bmp, cell, x, y):
function PixelDrawnAtPoint(bmp: Bitmap; cell: Integer; x: Double; y: Double): Boolean
Setup Collision Mask
Sets up the collision mask for a bitmap. This enables collision detection between this bitmap and other bitmaps or shapes. This is automatically called when a bitmap is loaded, and only needs to be called on bitmaps created using Create Bitmap
, and when a bitmap is changed by drawing onto the bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | the bitmap to setup |
void setup_collision_mask(bitmap bmp)
public void Bitmap.SetupCollisionMask();public static void SplashKit.SetupCollisionMask(Bitmap bmp);
def setup_collision_mask(bmp):
procedure SetupCollisionMask(bmp: Bitmap)
Draw Line
Draw Line
Draws a line onto the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
l | Line | The line’s details |
void draw_line(color clr, const line &l)
public static void SplashKit.DrawLine(Color clr, Line l);
def draw_line_record(clr, l):
procedure DrawLine(clr: Color; const l: Line)
Draw Line
Draws a line.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
l | Line | The line’s details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line(color clr, const line &l, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawLine(Color clr, Line l, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_record_with_options(clr, l, opts):
procedure DrawLine(clr: Color; const l: Line; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line
Draw a line from one point to another on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
from_pt | Point 2d | The start of the line |
to_pt | Point 2d | The end of the line |
void draw_line(color clr, const point_2d &from_pt, const point_2d &to_pt)
public static void SplashKit.DrawLine(Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt);
def draw_line_point_to_point(clr, from_pt, to_pt):
procedure DrawLine(clr: Color; const fromPt: Point2D; const toPt: Point2D)
Draw Line
Draw a line from one point to another on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
from_pt | Point 2d | The start of the line |
to_pt | Point 2d | The end of the line |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line(color clr, const point_2d &from_pt, const point_2d &to_pt, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawLine(Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_point_to_point_with_options(clr, from_pt, to_pt, opts):
procedure DrawLine(clr: Color; const fromPt: Point2D; const toPt: Point2D; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line
Draw a line from one point to another on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the first point |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the first point |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the second point |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the second point |
void draw_line(color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
public static void SplashKit.DrawLine(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
def draw_line(clr, x1, y1, x2, y2):
procedure DrawLine(clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double)
Draw Line
Draw a line from one point to another
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the first point |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the first point |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the second point |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the second point |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line(color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawLine(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_with_options(clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, opts):
procedure DrawLine(clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line On Bitmap
Draw Line On Bitmap
Draws a line onto the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
l | Line | The line’s details |
void draw_line_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const line &l)
public void Bitmap.DrawLine(Color clr, Line l);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Line l);
def draw_line_on_bitmap_record(destination, clr, l):
procedure DrawLineOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const l: Line)
Draw Line On Bitmap
Draws a line on the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
l | Line | The line’s details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const line &l, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawLine(Color clr, Line l, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Line l, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_on_bitmap_record_with_options(destination, clr, l, opts):
procedure DrawLineOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const l: Line; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line On Bitmap
Draw a line from one point to another on the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
from_pt | Point 2d | The start of the line |
to_pt | Point 2d | The end of the line |
void draw_line_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const point_2d &from_pt, const point_2d &to_pt)
public void Bitmap.DrawLine(Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt);
def draw_line_on_bitmap_point_to_point(destination, clr, from_pt, to_pt):
procedure DrawLineOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const fromPt: Point2D; const toPt: Point2D)
Draw Line On Bitmap
Draw a line from one point to another on the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
from_pt | Point 2d | The start of the line |
to_pt | Point 2d | The end of the line |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const point_2d &from_pt, const point_2d &to_pt, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawLine(Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_on_bitmap_point_to_point_with_options(destination, clr, from_pt, to_pt, opts):
procedure DrawLineOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const fromPt: Point2D; const toPt: Point2D; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line On Bitmap
Draw a line from one point to another on the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point |
void draw_line_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
public void Bitmap.DrawLine(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
def draw_line_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2):
procedure DrawLineOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double)
Draw Line On Bitmap
Draw a line from one point to another
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawLine(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, opts):
procedure DrawLineOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line On Window
Draw Line On Window
Draws a line onto the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
l | Line | The line’s details |
void draw_line_on_window(window destination, color clr, const line &l)
public void Window.DrawLine(Color clr, Line l);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Line l);
def draw_line_on_window_record(destination, clr, l):
procedure DrawLineOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const l: Line)
Draw Line On Window
Draws a line on the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
l | Line | The line’s details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line_on_window(window destination, color clr, const line &l, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawLine(Color clr, Line l, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Line l, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_on_window_record_with_options(destination, clr, l, opts):
procedure DrawLineOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const l: Line; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line On Window
Draw a line from one point to another on the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
from_pt | Point 2d | The start of the line |
to_pt | Point 2d | The end of the line |
void draw_line_on_window(window destination, color clr, const point_2d &from_pt, const point_2d &to_pt)
public void Window.DrawLine(Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt);
def draw_line_on_window_point_to_point(destination, clr, from_pt, to_pt):
procedure DrawLineOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const fromPt: Point2D; const toPt: Point2D)
Draw Line On Window
Draw a line from one point to another on the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
from_pt | Point 2d | The start of the line |
to_pt | Point 2d | The end of the line |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line_on_window(window destination, color clr, const point_2d &from_pt, const point_2d &to_pt, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.DrawLine(Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Point2D fromPt, Point2D toPt, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_on_window_point_to_point_with_options(destination, clr, from_pt, to_pt, opts):
procedure DrawLineOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const fromPt: Point2D; const toPt: Point2D; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Line On Window
Draw a line from one point to another on the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the first point |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the first point |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the second point |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the second point |
void draw_line_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
public void Window.DrawLine(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
def draw_line_on_window(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2):
procedure DrawLineOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double)
Draw Line On Window
Draw a line from one point to another
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the line |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the first point |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the first point |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the second point |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the second point |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_line_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.DrawLine(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawLineOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_line_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, opts):
procedure DrawLineOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Pixel
Draw Pixel
Draws an individual pixel to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
pt | Point 2d | The location of the pixel to draw |
void draw_pixel(color clr, const point_2d &pt)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixel(Color clr, Point2D pt);
def draw_pixel_at_point(clr, pt):
procedure DrawPixel(clr: Color; const pt: Point2D)
Draw Pixel
Draws an individual pixel with the supplied options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
pt | Point 2d | The location of the pixel to draw |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_pixel(color clr, const point_2d &pt, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixel(Color clr, Point2D pt, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_pixel_at_point_with_options(clr, pt, opts):
procedure DrawPixel(clr: Color; const pt: Point2D; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Pixel
Draws an individual pixel to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the window to the pixel |
y | Double | The distance from the top edge of the window to the pixel |
void draw_pixel(color clr, double x, double y)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixel(Color clr, double x, double y);
def draw_pixel(clr, x, y):
procedure DrawPixel(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Pixel
Draws an individual pixel with the supplied options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the window/bitmap to the pixel |
y | Double | The distance from the top edge of the window/bitmap to the pixel |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_pixel(color clr, double x, double y, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixel(Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_pixel_with_options(clr, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawPixel(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Pixel On Bitmap
Draw Pixel On Bitmap
Draws an individual pixel to the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
pt | Point 2d | The location of the pixel to draw |
void draw_pixel_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const point_2d &pt)
public void Bitmap.DrawPixel(Color clr, Point2D pt);public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Point2D pt);
def draw_pixel_on_bitmap_at_point(destination, clr, pt):
procedure DrawPixelOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const pt: Point2D)
Draw Pixel On Bitmap
Draws an individual pixel to the given bitmap with the given drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
pt | Point 2d | The location of the pixel to draw |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_pixel_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const point_2d &pt, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawPixel(Color clr, Point2D pt, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Point2D pt, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_pixel_on_bitmap_at_point_with_options(destination, clr, pt, opts):
procedure DrawPixelOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const pt: Point2D; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Pixel On Bitmap
Draws an individual pixel to the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the bitmap to the pixel |
y | Double | The distance from the top edge of the bitmap to the pixel |
void draw_pixel_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y)
public void Bitmap.DrawPixel(Color clr, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y);
def draw_pixel_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x, y):
procedure DrawPixelOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Pixel On Bitmap
Draws an individual pixel to the given bitmap with the given drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | the bitmap to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the bitmap to the pixel |
y | Double | The distance from the top edge of the bitmap to the pixel |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_pixel_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawPixel(Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_pixel_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawPixelOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Pixel On Window
Draw Pixel On Window
Draws an individual pixel to the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
pt | Point 2d | The location of the pixel to draw |
void draw_pixel_on_window(window destination, color clr, const point_2d &pt)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Point2D pt);
def draw_pixel_on_window_at_point(destination, clr, pt):
procedure DrawPixelOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const pt: Point2D)
Draw Pixel On Window
Draws an individual pixel to the given window with the given drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
pt | Point 2d | The location of the pixel to draw |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_pixel_on_window(window destination, color clr, const point_2d &pt, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Point2D pt, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_pixel_on_window_at_point_with_options(destination, clr, pt, opts):
procedure DrawPixelOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const pt: Point2D; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Pixel On Window
Draws an individual pixel to the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | the window to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the window to the pixel |
y | Double | The distance from the top edge of the window to the pixel |
void draw_pixel_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y);
def draw_pixel_on_window(destination, clr, x, y):
procedure DrawPixelOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Pixel On Window
Draws an individual pixel to the given window with the given drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window to draw the pixel on |
clr | Color | The color of the pixel |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the window to the pixel |
y | Double | The distance from the top edge of the window to the pixel |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_pixel_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawPixelOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_pixel_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawPixelOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Get Pixel
Get Pixel
Returns the color of the pixel at the location on the supplied bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the color from |
pt | Point 2d | The position of the pixel |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel(bitmap bmp, const point_2d &pt)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixel(Bitmap bmp, Point2D pt);
def get_pixel_from_bitmap_at_point(bmp, pt):
function GetPixel(bmp: Bitmap; const pt: Point2D): Color
Get Pixel
Returns the color of the pixel at the x,y location on the supplied bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to get the color from |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the bitmap to the pixel to read |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap to the pixel to read |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel(bitmap bmp, double x, double y)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixel(Bitmap bmp, double x, double y);
def get_pixel_from_bitmap(bmp, x, y):
function GetPixel(bmp: Bitmap; x: Double; y: Double): Color
Get Pixel
Returns the color of the pixel at the x,y location on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
pt | Point 2d | The position of the pixel |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel(const point_2d &pt)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixel(Point2D pt);
def get_pixel_at_point(pt):
function GetPixel(const pt: Point2D): Color
Get Pixel
Returns the color of the pixel at the x,y location on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the window to the pixel to read |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the pixel to read |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel(double x, double y)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixel(double x, double y);
def get_pixel(x, y):
function GetPixel(x: Double; y: Double): Color
Get Pixel
Returns the color of the pixel at the location on the supplied window.
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to get the color from |
pt | Point 2d | The position of the pixel |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel(window wnd, const point_2d &pt)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixel(Window wnd, Point2D pt);
def get_pixel_from_window_at_point(wnd, pt):
function GetPixel(wnd: Window; const pt: Point2D): Color
Get Pixel
Returns the color of the pixel at the x,y location on the supplied window.
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to get the color from |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the window to the pixel to read |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the pixel to read |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel(window wnd, double x, double y)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixel(Window wnd, double x, double y);
def get_pixel_from_window(wnd, x, y):
function GetPixel(wnd: Window; x: Double; y: Double): Color
Get Pixel From Window
Get Pixel From Window
Returns the color of the pixel at the x,y location on the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window to draw the pixel on |
pt | Point 2d | The position of the pixel |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel_from_window(window destination, const point_2d &pt)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixelFromWindow(Window destination, Point2D pt);
def get_pixel_from_window_at_point_from_window(destination, pt):
function GetPixelFromWindow(destination: Window; const pt: Point2D): Color
Get Pixel From Window
Returns the color of the pixel at the x,y location on the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window to draw the pixel on |
x | Double | The distance from the left edge of the window to the pixel to read |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the pixel to read |
Return Type: Color
color get_pixel_from_window(window destination, double x, double y)
public static Color SplashKit.GetPixelFromWindow(Window destination, double x, double y);
def get_pixel_from_window_from_window(destination, x, y):
function GetPixelFromWindow(destination: Window; x: Double; y: Double): Color
Draw Quad
Draw Quad
Draw a quad to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
void draw_quad(color clr, const quad &q)
public static void SplashKit.DrawQuad(Color clr, Quad q);
def draw_quad(clr, q):
procedure DrawQuad(clr: Color; const q: Quad)
Draw Quad
Draw a quad using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_quad(color clr, const quad &q, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawQuad(Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_quad_with_options(clr, q, opts):
procedure DrawQuad(clr: Color; const q: Quad; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Quad On Bitmap
Draw Quad On Bitmap
Draw a quad on the supplied bitmap to the current bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
void draw_quad_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const quad &q)
public void Bitmap.DrawQuad(Color clr, Quad q);public static void SplashKit.DrawQuadOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Quad q);
def draw_quad_on_bitmap(destination, clr, q):
procedure DrawQuadOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const q: Quad)
Draw Quad On Bitmap
Draw a quad on the supplied bitmap using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_quad_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const quad &q, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawQuad(Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawQuadOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_quad_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, q, opts):
procedure DrawQuadOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const q: Quad; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Quad On Window
Draw Quad On Window
Draw a quad on the supplied window to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
void draw_quad_on_window(window destination, color clr, const quad &q)
public void Window.DrawQuad(Color clr, Quad q);public static void SplashKit.DrawQuadOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Quad q);
def draw_quad_on_window(destination, clr, q):
procedure DrawQuadOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const q: Quad)
Draw Quad On Window
Draw a quad on the supplied window using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_quad_on_window(window destination, color clr, const quad &q, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.DrawQuad(Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawQuadOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_quad_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, q, opts):
procedure DrawQuadOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const q: Quad; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Rectangle
Draw Rectangle
Draw a rectangle onto the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
void draw_rectangle(color clr, const rectangle &rect)
public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def draw_rectangle_record(clr, rect):
procedure DrawRectangle(clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle)
Draw Rectangle
Draw a rectangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_rectangle(color clr, const rectangle &rect, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_rectangle_record_with_options(clr, rect, opts):
procedure DrawRectangle(clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Rectangle
Draw a rectangle to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
void draw_rectangle(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def draw_rectangle(clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure DrawRectangle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Draw Rectangle
Draw a rectangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_rectangle(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_rectangle_with_options(clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure DrawRectangle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Rectangle On Bitmap
Draw Rectangle On Bitmap
Draw a rectangle to the bitmap using the supplied rect. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | the rectangle to be drawn to the bitmap |
void draw_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect)
public void Bitmap.DrawRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def draw_rectangle_on_bitmap_record(destination, clr, rect):
procedure DrawRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle)
Draw Rectangle On Bitmap
Draw a rectangle to the bitmap using the supplied rect and drawing options. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | the rectangle to be drawn to the bitmap |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_rectangle_on_bitmap_record_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure DrawRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Rectangle On Bitmap
Draw a rectangle to the bitmap using. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The x location of the rectangle |
y | Double | The y location of the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
void draw_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Bitmap.DrawRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def draw_rectangle_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure DrawRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Draw Rectangle On Bitmap
Draw a rectangle to the bitmap using the supplied drawing options. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The x location of the rectangle |
y | Double | The y location of the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_rectangle_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure DrawRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Rectangle On Window
Draw Rectangle On Window
Draw a rectangle to the window using the supplied rect. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | the rectangle to be drawn to the window |
void draw_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect)
public void Window.DrawRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def draw_rectangle_on_window_record(destination, clr, rect):
procedure DrawRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle)
Draw Rectangle On Window
Draw a rectangle to the window using the supplied rect and drawing options. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | the rectangle to be drawn to the window |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.DrawRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_rectangle_on_window_record_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure DrawRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Rectangle On Window
Draw a rectangle to the window using. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The x location of the rectangle |
y | Double | The y location of the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
void draw_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Window.DrawRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def draw_rectangle_on_window(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure DrawRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Draw Rectangle On Window
Draw a rectangle to the window using the supplied drawing options. The rectangle is centred on its x, y coordinates, and has the provided width and height.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The x location of the rectangle |
y | Double | The y location of the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
opts | Drawing Options | Drawing options to configure the drawing operation |
void draw_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_rectangle_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure DrawRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Quad
Fill Quad
Fill a quad on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
void fill_quad(color clr, const quad &q)
public static void SplashKit.FillQuad(Color clr, Quad q);
def fill_quad(clr, q):
procedure FillQuad(clr: Color; const q: Quad)
Fill Quad
Fill a quad using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_quad(color clr, const quad &q, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillQuad(Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_quad_with_options(clr, q, opts):
procedure FillQuad(clr: Color; const q: Quad; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Quad On Bitmap
Fill Quad On Bitmap
Fill a quad on the supplied bitmap on the current bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
void fill_quad_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const quad &q)
public void Bitmap.FillQuad(Color clr, Quad q);public static void SplashKit.FillQuadOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Quad q);
def fill_quad_on_bitmap(destination, clr, q):
procedure FillQuadOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const q: Quad)
Fill Quad On Bitmap
Fill a quad on the supplied bitmap using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_quad_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const quad &q, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.FillQuad(Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillQuadOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_quad_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, q, opts):
procedure FillQuadOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const q: Quad; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Quad On Window
Fill Quad On Window
Fill a quad on the supplied window on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
void fill_quad_on_window(window destination, color clr, const quad &q)
public void Window.FillQuad(Color clr, Quad q);public static void SplashKit.FillQuadOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Quad q);
def fill_quad_on_window(destination, clr, q):
procedure FillQuadOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const q: Quad)
Fill Quad On Window
Fill a quad on the supplied window using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color for the quad |
q | Quad | The details of the quad |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_quad_on_window(window destination, color clr, const quad &q, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillQuadOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Quad q, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_quad_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, q, opts):
procedure FillQuadOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const q: Quad; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Rectangle
Fill Rectangle
Fill a rectangle onto the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
void fill_rectangle(color clr, const rectangle &rect)
public static void SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def fill_rectangle_record(clr, rect):
procedure FillRectangle(clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle)
Fill Rectangle
Fills a rectangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_rectangle(color clr, const rectangle &rect, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_rectangle_record_with_options(clr, rect, opts):
procedure FillRectangle(clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Rectangle
Fills a rectangle to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
void fill_rectangle(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public static void SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def fill_rectangle(clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure FillRectangle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Fill Rectangle
Fills a rectangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_rectangle(color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_rectangle_with_options(clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure FillRectangle(clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Rectangle On Bitmap
Fill Rectangle On Bitmap
Fill a rectangle on the supplied bitmap onto the current bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
void fill_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect)
public void Bitmap.FillRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def fill_rectangle_on_bitmap_record(destination, clr, rect):
procedure FillRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle)
Fill Rectangle On Bitmap
Fills a rectangle on the supplied bitmap using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.FillRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_rectangle_on_bitmap_record_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure FillRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Rectangle On Bitmap
Fills a rectangle on the supplied bitmap to the current bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
void fill_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Bitmap.FillRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def fill_rectangle_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure FillRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Fill Rectangle On Bitmap
Fills a rectangle on the supplied bitmap, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The destination bitmap |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the bitmap/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_rectangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.FillRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_rectangle_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure FillRectangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Rectangle On Window
Fill Rectangle On Window
Fill a rectangle on the supplied window onto the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
void fill_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect)
public void Window.FillRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect);
def fill_rectangle_on_window_record(destination, clr, rect):
procedure FillRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle)
Fill Rectangle On Window
Fills a rectangle on the supplied window using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
rect | Rectangle | The rectangle to draw |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const rectangle &rect, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.FillRectangle(Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Rectangle rect, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_rectangle_on_window_record_with_options(destination, clr, rect, opts):
procedure FillRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const rect: Rectangle; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Rectangle On Window
Fills a rectangle on the supplied window to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
void fill_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
public void Window.FillRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height);
def fill_rectangle_on_window(destination, clr, x, y, width, height):
procedure FillRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double)
Fill Rectangle On Window
Fills a rectangle on the supplied window, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The destination window |
clr | Color | The color of the rectangle |
x | Double | The distance from the left of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
y | Double | The distance from the top of the window/bitmap to the rectangle |
width | Double | The width of the rectangle |
height | Double | The height of the rectangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_rectangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.FillRectangle(Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillRectangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x, double y, double width, double height, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_rectangle_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x, y, width, height, opts):
procedure FillRectangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; width: Double; height: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text
Draw Text
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | String | The name of the Font which will be used to draw the text |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text(const string &text, const color &clr, const string &fnt, int font_size, double x, double y)
public static void SplashKit.DrawText(string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);
def draw_text_font_as_string(text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y):
procedure DrawText(const text: String; const clr: Color; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | String | The name of the Font which will be used to draw the text |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text(const string &text, const color &clr, const string &fnt, int font_size, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawText(string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_with_options_font_as_string(text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawText(const text: String; const clr: Color; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text(const string &text, const color &clr, double x, double y)
public static void SplashKit.DrawText(string text, Color clr, double x, double y);
def draw_text_no_font_no_size(text, clr, x, y):
procedure DrawText(const text: String; const clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text(const string &text, const color &clr, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawText(string text, Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_no_font_no_size_with_options(text, clr, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawText(const text: String; const clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | Font | The Font to be used to draw the text. |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text(const string &text, const color &clr, font fnt, int font_size, double x, double y)
public static void SplashKit.DrawText(string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);
def draw_text(text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y):
procedure DrawText(const text: String; const clr: Color; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | Font | The Font to be used to draw the text. |
font_size | Integer | The desired size of the font. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text(const string &text, const color &clr, font fnt, int font_size, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawText(string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_with_options(text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawText(const text: String; const clr: Color; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text On Bitmap
Draw Text On Bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the bitmap. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | String | The name of the Font which will be used to draw the text |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_bitmap(bitmap bmp, const string &text, const color &clr, const string &fnt, int font_size, double x, double y)
public void Bitmap.DrawText(string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnBitmap(Bitmap bmp, string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);
def draw_text_on_bitmap_font_as_string(bmp, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y):
procedure DrawTextOnBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; const text: String; const clr: Color; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text On Bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the bitmap. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | String | The name of the Font which will be used to draw the text |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_bitmap(bitmap bmp, const string &text, const color &clr, const string &fnt, int font_size, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawText(string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnBitmap(Bitmap bmp, string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_on_bitmap_with_options_font_as_string(bmp, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawTextOnBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; const text: String; const clr: Color; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text On Bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the bitmap. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_bitmap(bitmap bmp, const string &text, const color &clr, double x, double y)
public void Bitmap.DrawText(string text, Color clr, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnBitmap(Bitmap bmp, string text, Color clr, double x, double y);
def draw_text_on_bitmap_no_font_no_size(bmp, text, clr, x, y):
procedure DrawTextOnBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; const text: String; const clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text On Bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the bitmap. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_bitmap(bitmap bmp, const string &text, const color &clr, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawText(string text, Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnBitmap(Bitmap bmp, string text, Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_on_bitmap_no_font_no_size_with_options(bmp, text, clr, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawTextOnBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; const text: String; const clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text On Bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the bitmap. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | Font | The Font to be used to draw the text. |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_bitmap(bitmap bmp, const string &text, const color &clr, font fnt, int font_size, double x, double y)
public void Bitmap.DrawText(string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnBitmap(Bitmap bmp, string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);
def draw_text_on_bitmap(bmp, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y):
procedure DrawTextOnBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; const text: String; const clr: Color; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text On Bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
bmp | Bitmap | The bitmap to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the bitmap. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | Font | The Font to be used to draw the text. |
font_size | Integer | The desired size of the font. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_bitmap(bitmap bmp, const string &text, const color &clr, font fnt, int font_size, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawText(string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnBitmap(Bitmap bmp, string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_on_bitmap_with_options(bmp, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawTextOnBitmap(bmp: Bitmap; const text: String; const clr: Color; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text On Window
Draw Text On Window
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | String | The name of the Font which will be used to draw the text |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_window(window wnd, const string &text, const color &clr, const string &fnt, int font_size, double x, double y)
public void Window.DrawText(string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(Window wnd, string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);
def draw_text_on_window_font_as_string(wnd, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y):
procedure DrawTextOnWindow(wnd: Window; const text: String; const clr: Color; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text On Window
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | String | The name of the Font which will be used to draw the text |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_window(window wnd, const string &text, const color &clr, const string &fnt, int font_size, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.DrawText(string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(Window wnd, string text, Color clr, string fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_on_window_with_options_font_as_string(wnd, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawTextOnWindow(wnd: Window; const text: String; const clr: Color; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text On Window
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_window(window wnd, const string &text, const color &clr, double x, double y)
public void Window.DrawText(string text, Color clr, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(Window wnd, string text, Color clr, double x, double y);
def draw_text_on_window_no_font_no_size(wnd, text, clr, x, y):
procedure DrawTextOnWindow(wnd: Window; const text: String; const clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text On Window
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_window(window wnd, const string &text, const color &clr, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.DrawText(string text, Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(Window wnd, string text, Color clr, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_on_window_no_font_no_size_with_options(wnd, text, clr, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawTextOnWindow(wnd: Window; const text: String; const clr: Color; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Text On Window
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | Font | The Font to be used to draw the text. |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font which will be drawn. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_window(window wnd, const string &text, const color &clr, font fnt, int font_size, double x, double y)
public void Window.DrawText(string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(Window wnd, string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y);
def draw_text_on_window(wnd, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y):
procedure DrawTextOnWindow(wnd: Window; const text: String; const clr: Color; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double)
Draw Text On Window
Name | Type | Description |
wnd | Window | The window to draw to |
text | String | The text string to be written to the window. |
clr | Color | The desired Color of the text to be written. |
fnt | Font | The Font to be used to draw the text. |
font_size | Integer | The desired size of the font. |
x | Double | The x location to draw the text. |
y | Double | The y location to draw the text. |
opts | Drawing Options | The Drawing Options which provide extra information for how to draw the text. |
void draw_text_on_window(window wnd, const string &text, const color &clr, font fnt, int font_size, double x, double y, const drawing_options &opts)
public void Window.DrawText(string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(Window wnd, string text, Color clr, Font fnt, int fontSize, double x, double y, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_text_on_window_with_options(wnd, text, clr, fnt, font_size, x, y, opts):
procedure DrawTextOnWindow(wnd: Window; const text: String; const clr: Color; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer; x: Double; y: Double; const opts: DrawingOptions)
Font Has Size
Font Has Size
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the Font to be checked. |
font_size | Integer | The size to check. |
Return Type: Boolean
bool font_has_size(const string &name, int font_size)
public static bool SplashKit.FontHasSize(string name, int fontSize);
def font_has_size_name_as_string(name, font_size):
function FontHasSize(const name: String; fontSize: Integer): Boolean
Font Has Size
Name | Type | Description |
fnt | Font | The Font to be checked. |
font_size | Integer | The size to check. |
Return Type: Boolean
bool font_has_size(font fnt, int font_size)
public bool Font.HasSize(int fontSize);public static bool SplashKit.FontHasSize(Font fnt, int fontSize);
def font_has_size(fnt, font_size):
function FontHasSize(fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer): Boolean
Font Load Size
Font Load Size
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the Font to load the size for. |
font_size | Integer | The desired size of the Font . |
void font_load_size(const string &name, int font_size)
public static void SplashKit.FontLoadSize(string name, int fontSize);
def font_load_size_name_as_string(name, font_size):
procedure FontLoadSize(const name: String; fontSize: Integer)
Font Load Size
Name | Type | Description |
fnt | Font | The Font to load the size for. |
font_size | Integer | The desired size of the Font . |
void font_load_size(font fnt, int font_size)
public void Font.LoadSize(int fontSize);public static void SplashKit.FontLoadSize(Font fnt, int fontSize);
def font_load_size(fnt, font_size):
procedure FontLoadSize(fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer)
Font Named
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the font to find. |
Return Type: Font
font font_named(string name)
public static Font SplashKit.FontNamed(string name);
def font_named(name):
function FontNamed(name: String): Font
Free All Fonts
void free_all_fonts()
public static void Text.FreeAll();public static void SplashKit.FreeAllFonts();
def free_all_fonts():
procedure FreeAllFonts()
Free Font
Name | Type | Description |
fnt | Font | The font to be freed. |
void free_font(font fnt)
public void Font.Free();public static void SplashKit.FreeFont(Font fnt);
def free_font(fnt):
procedure FreeFont(fnt: Font)
Get Font Style
Get Font Style
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the font to return the style of. |
Return Type: Font Style
font_style get_font_style(const string &name)
public static FontStyle SplashKit.GetFontStyle(string name);
def get_font_style_name_as_string(name):
function GetFontStyle(const name: String): FontStyle
Get Font Style
Name | Type | Description |
fnt | Font | The Font to return the style of. |
Return Type: Font Style
font_style get_font_style(font fnt)
public FontStyle Font.Style { get }public static FontStyle SplashKit.GetFontStyle(Font fnt);
def get_font_style(fnt):
function GetFontStyle(fnt: Font): FontStyle
Get System Font
Searches for and (if found) returns a default system font. Otherwise defaults to the in-built font.
Return Type: Font
font get_system_font()
public static Font SplashKit.GetSystemFont();
def get_system_font():
function GetSystemFont(): Font
Has Font
Has Font
Name | Type | Description |
fnt | Font | The Font to check if loaded. |
Return Type: Boolean
bool has_font(font fnt)
public static bool SplashKit.HasFont(Font fnt);
def has_font(fnt):
function HasFont(fnt: Font): Boolean
Has Font
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of Font to check if loaded. |
Return Type: Boolean
bool has_font(string name)
public static bool SplashKit.HasFont(string name);
def has_font_name_as_string(name):
function HasFont(name: String): Boolean
Load Font
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the Font to be loaded from file. |
filename | String | The name of the file to load the Font from. |
Return Type: Font
font load_font(const string &name, const string &filename)
public static Font SplashKit.LoadFont(string name, string filename);public Font(string name, string filename);
def load_font(name, filename):
function LoadFont(const name: String; const filename: String): Font
Set Font Style
Set Font Style
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the Font to set the style of. |
style | Font Style | The new style for the Font . |
void set_font_style(const string &name, font_style style)
public static void SplashKit.SetFontStyle(string name, FontStyle style);
def set_font_style_name_as_string(name, style):
procedure SetFontStyle(const name: String; style: FontStyle)
Set Font Style
Name | Type | Description |
fnt | Font | The Font to set the style of. |
style | Font Style | The new style for the Font . |
void set_font_style(font fnt, font_style style)
public void Font.Style { set }public static void SplashKit.SetFontStyle(Font fnt, FontStyle style);
def set_font_style(fnt, style):
procedure SetFontStyle(fnt: Font; style: FontStyle)
Text Height
Text Height
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to check the length of. |
fnt | String | The font used for the text. |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font used for the text. |
Return Type: Integer
int text_height(const string &text, const string &fnt, int font_size)
public static int Text.Height(string text, string fnt, int fontSize);public static int SplashKit.TextHeight(string text, string fnt, int fontSize);
def text_height_font_named(text, fnt, font_size):
function TextHeight(const text: String; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer): Integer
Text Height
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to check the length of. |
fnt | Font | The font used for the text. |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font used for the text. |
Return Type: Integer
int text_height(const string &text, font fnt, int font_size)
public static int Text.Height(string text, Font fnt, int fontSize);public static int SplashKit.TextHeight(string text, Font fnt, int fontSize);
def text_height(text, fnt, font_size):
function TextHeight(const text: String; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer): Integer
Text Width
Text Width
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to check the length of. |
fnt | String | The font used for the text. |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font used for the text. |
Return Type: Integer
int text_width(const string &text, const string &fnt, int font_size)
public static int Text.Width(string text, string fnt, int fontSize);public static int SplashKit.TextWidth(string text, string fnt, int fontSize);
def text_width_font_named(text, fnt, font_size):
function TextWidth(const text: String; const fnt: String; fontSize: Integer): Integer
Text Width
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | The text string to check the length of. |
fnt | Font | The font used for the text. |
font_size | Integer | The size of the font used for the text. |
Return Type: Integer
int text_width(const string &text, font fnt, int font_size)
public static int Text.Width(string text, Font fnt, int fontSize);public static int SplashKit.TextWidth(string text, Font fnt, int fontSize);
def text_width(text, fnt, font_size):
function TextWidth(const text: String; fnt: Font; fontSize: Integer): Integer
Draw Triangle
Draw Triangle
Draw a triangle onto the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
void draw_triangle(color clr, const triangle &tri)
public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri);
def draw_triangle_record(clr, tri):
procedure DrawTriangle(clr: Color; const tri: Triangle)
Draw Triangle
Draw a triangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_triangle(color clr, const triangle &tri, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_triangle_record_with_options(clr, tri, opts):
procedure DrawTriangle(clr: Color; const tri: Triangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Triangle
Draw a triangle to the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the third point of the triangle |
void draw_triangle(color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
def draw_triangle(clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
procedure DrawTriangle(clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double)
Draw Triangle
Draw a triangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_triangle(color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_triangle_with_options(clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, opts):
procedure DrawTriangle(clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Triangle On Bitmap
Draw Triangle On Bitmap
Draw a triangle on a given bitmap, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
void draw_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const triangle &tri)
public void Bitmap.DrawTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Triangle tri);
def draw_triangle_on_bitmap_record(destination, clr, tri):
procedure DrawTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle)
Draw Triangle On Bitmap
Draw a triangle on a given bitmap, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const triangle &tri, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_triangle_on_bitmap_record_with_options(destination, clr, tri, opts):
procedure DrawTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Triangle On Bitmap
Draw a triangle to the given bitmap.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
void draw_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
public void Bitmap.DrawTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
def draw_triangle_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
procedure DrawTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double)
Draw Triangle On Bitmap
Draw a triangle to the given bitmap, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.DrawTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_triangle_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, opts):
procedure DrawTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Triangle On Window
Draw Triangle On Window
Draw a triangle on a given window, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
void draw_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const triangle &tri)
public void Window.DrawTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Triangle tri);
def draw_triangle_on_window_record(destination, clr, tri):
procedure DrawTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle)
Draw Triangle On Window
Draw a triangle on a given window, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const triangle &tri, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_triangle_on_window_record_with_options(destination, clr, tri, opts):
procedure DrawTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Draw Triangle On Window
Draw a triangle to the given window.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the third point of the triangle |
void draw_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
public void Window.DrawTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
def draw_triangle_on_window(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
procedure DrawTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double)
Draw Triangle On Window
Draw a triangle to the given window, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void draw_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.DrawTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.DrawTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);
def draw_triangle_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, opts):
procedure DrawTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Triangle
Fill Triangle
Draw a triangle onto the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
void fill_triangle(color clr, const triangle &tri)
public static void SplashKit.FillTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri);
def fill_triangle_record(clr, tri):
procedure FillTriangle(clr: Color; const tri: Triangle)
Fill Triangle
Fill a triangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_triangle(color clr, const triangle &tri, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_triangle_record_with_options(clr, tri, opts):
procedure FillTriangle(clr: Color; const tri: Triangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Triangle
Fills a triangle on the current window.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the third point of the triangle |
void fill_triangle(color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
public static void SplashKit.FillTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
def fill_triangle(clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
procedure FillTriangle(clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double)
Fill Triangle
Fills a triangle using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_triangle(color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, drawing_options opts)
public static void SplashKit.FillTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_triangle_with_options(clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, opts):
procedure FillTriangle(clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Triangle On Bitmap
Fill Triangle On Bitmap
Fill a triangle on a given bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
void fill_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const triangle &tri)
public void Bitmap.FillTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Triangle tri);
def fill_triangle_on_bitmap_record(destination, clr, tri):
procedure FillTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle)
Fill Triangle On Bitmap
Fill a triangle on a given bitmap, using given drawing options
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, const triangle &tri, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.FillTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_triangle_on_bitmap_record_with_options(destination, clr, tri, opts):
procedure FillTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Triangle On Bitmap
Fill a triangle on a given bitmap
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
void fill_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
public void Bitmap.FillTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
def fill_triangle_on_bitmap(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
procedure FillTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double)
Fill Triangle On Bitmap
Fill a triangle on a given bitmap, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Bitmap | The bitmap which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/bitmap to the third point of the triangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_triangle_on_bitmap(bitmap destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, drawing_options opts)
public void Bitmap.FillTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnBitmap(Bitmap destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_triangle_on_bitmap_with_options(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, opts):
procedure FillTriangleOnBitmap(destination: Bitmap; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Triangle On Window
Fill Triangle On Window
Fill a triangle on a given window
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
void fill_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const triangle &tri)
public void Window.FillTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Triangle tri);
def fill_triangle_on_window_record(destination, clr, tri):
procedure FillTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle)
Fill Triangle On Window
Fill a triangle on a given window, using given drawing options
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
tri | Triangle | The triangles details |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, const triangle &tri, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.FillTriangle(Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, Triangle tri, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_triangle_on_window_record_with_options(destination, clr, tri, opts):
procedure FillTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; const tri: Triangle; opts: DrawingOptions)
Fill Triangle On Window
Fill a triangle on a given window
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the window to the third point of the triangle |
void fill_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
public void Window.FillTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
def fill_triangle_on_window(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
procedure FillTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double)
Fill Triangle On Window
Fill a triangle on a given window, using the supplied drawing options.
Name | Type | Description |
destination | Window | The window which the triangle will be drawn on. |
clr | Color | The color for the triangle |
x1 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
y1 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the first point of the triangle |
x2 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
y2 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the second point of the triangle |
x3 | Double | The distance from the left side of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
y3 | Double | The distance from the top of the bitmap/window to the third point of the triangle |
opts | Drawing Options | The drawing options |
void fill_triangle_on_window(window destination, color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, drawing_options opts)
public void Window.FillTriangle(Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);public static void SplashKit.FillTriangleOnWindow(Window destination, Color clr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, DrawingOptions opts);
def fill_triangle_on_window_with_options(destination, clr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, opts):
procedure FillTriangleOnWindow(destination: Window; clr: Color; x1: Double; y1: Double; x2: Double; y2: Double; x3: Double; y3: Double; opts: DrawingOptions)