Error while loading shared libraries, skm global install failed
1. Update Your Shell Profile (~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
) using echo
Follow these steps to update your shell profiles and system library path to include SplashKit.
For Bash Users:
To add SplashKit to your PATH, run the following command:
Terminal window echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.splashkit:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc -
Apply Changes
Reload the
paths with the following command to apply changes immediately:Terminal window source ~/.bashrc -
Run the global install command again using:
Terminal window skm global install
To add SplashKit to your PATH, run the following command:
Terminal window echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.splashkit:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc -
Apply Changes
Reload the
paths with the following command to apply changes immediately:Terminal window source ~/.zshrc -
Run the global install command again using:
Terminal window skm global install
2. Update Your Shell Profile (~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
) using nano
Follow these steps to update your shell profiles and system library path to include SplashKit.
For Bash Users:
Open your
file:Terminal window nano ~/.bashrc -
Add the following line near the end of the file:
Terminal window export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.splashkit" -
Save and close the file, then update your profile:
Terminal window source ~/.bashrc -
Run the global install command again using:
Terminal window skm global install
Open your
file:Terminal window nano ~/.zshrc -
Add the following line near the end of the file:
Terminal window export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.splashkit" -
Save and close the file, then update your profile:
Terminal window source ~/.zshrc -
Run the global install command again using:
Terminal window skm global install