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skm global install fails on Arch-based Linux distributions


1. Update/upgrade dependencies

Follow the steps below to resolve the issue by upgrading dependencies or linking to updated repositories.

  1. Step 1: Update System Repositories

    Ensure your system’s package repositories are up-to-date by running the following command:

    Terminal window
    sudo pacman -Syu

    This will synchronize your system with the latest versions of all installed packages.

  2. Step 2: Use pamac to Update Without AUR Packages

    If the issue persists due to SDL2_image dependencies (e.g., libjxl), use pamac to update the package cache and repositories linked to newer dependency versions:

    Terminal window
    pamac update --no-aur

    This command ensures that your system links to updated repositories and fetches the latest dependencies for SDL2_image.

  3. Step 3: Verify Installation of SDL2_image Dependencies

    To manually check if libjxl and other related dependencies are installed, run:

    Terminal window
    pamac install libjxl
    sudo pacman -S sdl2_image

    These commands will ensure that the necessary libraries for SplashKit are correctly installed.

  4. Step 4: Retry skm global install

    After updating the dependencies, retry the SplashKit global installation:

    Terminal window
    skm global install

    If the dependencies were resolved correctly, the installation should now complete without errors.

Additional Notes

If you encounter further errors, verify your system’s library paths and ensure is correctly located by running:

Terminal window
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib