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1. Update your macOS software

Firstly, update your macOS to the latest version available. Ideally, your OS should be “macOS Ventura” (13) or later, as compatibility issues with splashkit.dll are less likely with more recent versions of macOS.

2: Build the SplashKit library locally

Run the following command to build the library for your OS, which will overwrite the provided library file from when you installed SplashKit:

Terminal window
skm macos install

Then, if needed, re-install the library globally with the following command:

Terminal window
skm global install

3: Use an older version of SplashKit

If you are using a version of macOS older than 12.0, you can revert SplashKit to a previous version that may be more compatible with your system. Run the following commands in Terminal, one line at a time:

Terminal window
cd ~/.splashkit
Terminal window
git fetch --unshallow
Terminal window
git checkout cbb68dc

Using SplashKit with Solution 3

When using SplashKit with this older version above, you will need to use skm at the start of any compiling/building commands, or when running C# programs.

Here are the most common commands you might use:

  • skm dotnet new console: create a new C# terminal project in the current working directory. (See note below)
  • skm dotnet build: compile the project in the current working directory.
  • skm dotnet run: build if needed, then execute your program.