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zsh 'dotnet' command not found


1. Download and install .NET (version 8 or 9)

Download and install .NET if you haven’t already.

Then close and reopen your terminal to test the command again.

2. Add the ‘dotnet’ path to your PATH using terminal

  1. To add ‘dotnet’ to your PATH, run the following command:

    Terminal window
    echo "export PATH=\"/usr/local/share/dotnet:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc
  2. Apply Changes

    Save the .zshrc Reload the .zshrc paths with the following command to apply changes immediately:

    Terminal window
    source ~/.zshrc

3. Add the ‘dotnet’ path to your PATH manually

  1. Locate Your .zshrc File

    The .zshrc file is located in your home directory at ~/Users/(your username)/.

    If you don’t see it, press Shift + Command + . (dot) to toggle hidden files visibility in Finder.

  2. Identify Your Username (Optional)

    To ensure you’re in the correct directory, you can use the whoami command in Terminal to check your username:

    Terminal window

    Username Check Example

  3. Add .NET Path to PATH

    For .NET compatibility, add this line to your .zshrc file as well:

    Terminal window
    export PATH="/usr/local/share/dotnet:$PATH"
  4. Apply Changes

    Save the .zshrc file and then reload it with the following command to apply changes immediately:

    Terminal window
    source ~/.zshrc

4. Update permissions

If you are still having issues, try following the steps on the 3. .zshrc permission issues page first, then come back to repeat the steps above.