Simple Usage Examples
Fill Circle
Basic Blue Circle
The following code shows examples of using Fill Circle to show how to draw a filled-in blue circle.
Fill Ellipse
Basic Blue Ellipse
The following code shows examples of using Fill Ellipse to show how to draw a filled-in blue ellipse.
Clear Screen
Background Color
The following code shows an example of using Clear Screen to change the background color to blue.
Refresh Screen
House Drawing
The following code shows examples of using Refresh Screen to show how double buffering works.
Draw Bitmap Named
Basic Bitmap Drawing
The following code shows an example of using Draw Bitmap to display a Bitmap image of the SplashKit logo in a graphics Window.
Hello World! This is SplashKit!
The following code shows a fun example of using Draw Bitmap to create a fun animation/video. This example was created by someone that grew up as a “horse girl” and is reminded of the Saddle Club intro theme song (played in this example) every time she creates a new “hello world” program.
Originally created for the website.
Fill Rectangle
Basic Blue Rectangle
The following code shows examples of using Fill Rectangle to show how to draw a filled-in blue rectangle.
Fill Triangle
Basic Red Triangle
The following code demonstrates how to use the Fill Triangle function to draw a simple red-colored filled triangle. It creates a triangle with specified coordinates and fills it with red color.
Fill Triangle On Bitmap
Hooray! A Red Hat
The following code shows an example of using the Fill Triangle On Bitmap function to draw a red triangle on a loaded bitmap.